Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to The Dermal Fillers Online Learning Module

  • 02

    Welcome to the course!

    • Hello and Welcome!

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

    • Your Pre Reading

    • Demonstration of understanding (PRE READING)

  • 03

    What is Dermal Filler, is it safe? How effective is Dermal Filler ?

    • What is Dermal Filler? How Effective is Dermal Filler ?

    • Dermal Filler Video

    • GET Free Radical SAVVY

    • Test your learning

    • Your Assignment

  • 04

    Module Two- Health and safety, clinic considerations

    • Follow the Link for your next module

    • Your biggest Fears uncovered....

  • 05

    Module Three - Complications and contraindications, Facial Anatomy UNCOVERED

    • Test of your research and knowledge

    • Facial Anatomy- Your knowledge tested

    • Dermal Filler Complications

    • Complications understanding

    • Occlusion of a blood vessel

    • Yellow card scheme

    • Hyaluronidase

    • Filler reversal

    • Filler reversal understanding

    • Product Placement and methods of injection

    • Cannula Features and Benefits

  • 06

    Book your Practical

    • My Handbook

    • Book My Practical

    • Additional Reading Materials

  • 07

    Closing Chapter

    • Feedback

    • Your Case studies

    • BSDHT INDEMNITY for Facial Aesthetics and Skincare